
Panasonic Center Tokyo /152・3D・Lab. “ideas from nature”

In 28th April, Panasonic Center Tokyo had opened a show space called “152・3D・Lab.”. The title “Lab.”
was named from the intention to provide New Vision = New Technology x Art x Social theme, through variety of collaboration.

WOW as the first collaboration, presented Full CG 3D visual work called "ideas from nature". Theme of this work  "biomimicry" is a technology inspired by biological forms and structure of life.

Using the world largest 152v Full HD 3D Plasma Display in the center, surrounded by 8 projectors, the whole space was structured with fulfillment of visual motion. Enjoy the dynamism of motion graphics, and at the same time learn from the design and essence of biological life forms.

The experience can only be felt at the Panasonic Center Tokyo, so please find time to visit the space.

OFFICIAL WEB SITE : Panasonic Center Tokyo

Panasonic Center Tokyo
Time : 10:00-17:00
Admission : free